Creating Your Legacy Letter: How to Articulate and Share Your Intangible Wealth

Join us for an inspiring and interactive two-part webinar on writing a legacy letter—a meaningful way to document and share your values, wisdom, and life lessons with your family.

While estate planning documents direct the transfer of your tangible wealth, your full legacy encompasses so much more.  Your intangible wealth represents profound value that, when appropriately documented and conveyed, can have an enduring impact on your family.

Key benefits of a legacy letter include:

  1. Values Transmission: Explicitly shares your most important life principles, moral compass, and personal philosophies, helping guide and inspire future family members.
  2. Emotional Connection: Provides a profound emotional link between generations, allowing family members to understand your core beliefs, personal journey, and the life lessons you’ve learned.
  3. Preservation of Family History: Captures personal stories, family traditions, and important life experiences that might otherwise be lost, helping future generations understand their roots and family narrative.
  4. Personal Reflection: Invites deep introspection and thoughtfulness, helping you process your life experiences and gain perspective.
  5. Emotional Legacy: Offers comfort, guidance, and inspiration to loved ones, potentially providing support during challenging times and creating a lasting emotional impact beyond material inheritance.

Date: Tuesday, February 25 and Tuesday, March 4

Time: 4:30-6:00 pm ET

Location: via Zoom

Cost: Complimentary

Featuring: Susan Turnbull of Personal Legacy Advisors

Through this webinar series, you’ll receive practical guidance to help you:

  • Define and articulate your intangible wealth
  • Organize your thoughts effectively
  • Craft a deeply personal legacy letter

Watch this four minute video to learn more.


Susan Turnbull

About Susan Turnbull

Susan is an internationally known pioneer in advocating the value of non-binding personal legacy documents as a vital component of estate, financial and philanthropic planning. A professional writer, speaker and workshop leader, she has ghostwritten and edited numerous ethical wills and personal histories, and developed a set of very effective materials. As Principal of Personal Legacy Advisors, Susan has assembled a team of affiliated professionals to provide superb coaching, interviewing, writing, editing, video and design services for those looking for assistance in creating written or recorded ethical wills, expressions of intent or personal histories.